Valuation of Real Estate Properties
Valuation of Real Estate Properties Valuation of any commercial property is intrinsically valuable... Read More
-a. Explain the creation/redemption process of ETFs and the function of authorized participants;
-b. Describe how ETFs are traded in secondary markets;
-c. Describe sources of tracking error for ETFs;
-d. Describe factors affecting ETF bid-ask spreads;
-e. Describe sources of ETF premiums and discounts to NAV;
-f. Describe the costs of owning an ETF;
-g. Describe types of ETF risk;
-h. Identify and describe portfolio uses of ETFs;
-b. Define arbitrage opportunity and determine whether an arbitrage opportunity exists;
-e. Explain sources of active risk and interpret tracking risk and the information ratio;
-a. Explain the use of value at risk (VaR) in measuring portfolio risk;
-d. Describe the advantages and limitations of VaR;
-e. Describe extensions of VaR;
-f. Describe sensitivity risk measures and scenario risk measures and compare these measures to VaR;
-h. Describe the use of sensitivity risk measures and scenario risk measures;
-i. Describe the advantages and limitations of sensitivity risk measures and scenario risk measures;
-k. Explain how risk measures may be used in capital allocation decisions;
-l. Describe risk measures used by banks, asset managers, pension funds, and insurers;
-a. Describe objectives in backtesting an investment strategy;
-b. Describe and contrast steps and procedures in backtesting an investment strategy;
-c. Interpret metrics and visuals reported in a backtest of an investment strategy;
-d. Identify problems in a backtest of an investment strategy;
-e. Evaluate and interpret a historical scenario analysis;
-f. Contrast Monte Carlo and historical simulation approaches;
-g. Explain inputs and decisions in simulation and interpret a simulation;
-h. Demonstrate the use of sensitivity analysis.
-b. Explain the role of expectations and changes in expectations in market valuation;
-j. Describe cyclical effects on valuation multiples;
-k. Describe how economic analysis is used in sector rotation strategies;
-l. Describe the economic factors affecting investment in commercial real estate;
-a. Describe how value added by active management is measured;
-f. Describe the practical strengths and limitations of the fundamental law of active management;