Practice is the Key to Success
Our FRM part II mock exams have been painstakingly designed to be a notch higher in difficulty than the real exam. All our exams are developed through a rigorous process by certified, practicing FRMs. If you score well in our mock exams, you are well poised to succeed in the real exam.

Why Do You Need Mock Exams?
Candidates who practice using mock exams have been found to perform better on the final exam than those who only revise. We recommend using our FRM part II mock exams to help you practice under simulated actual exam conditions. Not only will you familiarize yourself with the exam structure and your performance under pressure, but you’ll also single out the topics that need extra attention. Our mock exams give you a bird’s eye view of the curriculum, thus helping you approach the exam in the eyes of the examiner.
Our FRM part II mock exams are designed to conform to GARP’s current testing formula and difficulty level. For a nominal price, our paid packages include two full-length mock exams in computer-based testing (CBT), which you can also download and print. Each FRM part II practice exam contains 80 questions.
Our platform also allows you the opportunity to generate an unlimited amount of 80-question quizzes from our question bank to simulate some more FRM practice exams.
For best results, start practicing with our FRM part II mock exams early to give yourself enough time to work on your weaknesses and improve your performance.
Questions Answered by our Users
Satisfied Customers
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When is the Best Time to Sit a Mock Exam?
While taking a mock exam early during your prep can give you a concrete idea about the exam, we always encourage candidates to sit mock exams 4-8 weeks before the live exam. The aim is to boost your confidence while still giving yourself enough time to revisit areas you do not score well.
AnalystPrep is an authorized training provider with the Global Association of Risk Professionals. Our FRM part II mock exams reflect the most recent curriculum prescribed by the GARP®. Click here to see our listing on the GARP® Website.
FRM® Part 2 Packages
Our Learn + Practice packages include study notes and video lessons for $499.
Combine FRM Part I and FRM Part II Learn + Practice for $799. This package includes unlimited ask-a-tutor questions and lifetime access with curriculum updates.
FRM Part 2 Practice Package
/ 12-month access
- Question Bank (Part 2)
- Printable Mock Exams (Part 2)
- Formula Sheet (Part 2)
- Performance Tracking Tools
FRM Part 2 Learn + Practice Package
/ 12-month access
- Question Bank (Part 2)
- Printable Mock Exams (Part 2)
- Formula Sheet (Part 2)
- Performance Tracking Tools (Part 2)
- Video Lessons (Part 2)
- Study Notes (Part 2)
FRM Unlimited Package (Part 1 and Part 2)
/ lifetime access
- Question Bank (Parts 1 & 2)
- Printable Mock Exams (Parts 1 & 2)
- Formula Sheet (Parts 1 & 2)
- Performance Tracking Tools
- Video Lessons (Parts 1 & 2)
- Study Notes (Parts 1 & 2)