Calculator Tips and Tricks for CFA Exams (HP-12C or BA-II Plus)

Analysts may use either a Texas Instruments BA-II Plus or HP-12C (or the various editions of either calculator) when taking the CFA exams. Trained users of either calculator can perform all necessary tasks in relatively the same amount of time…

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CFA – Perfect competition vs Monopoly vs Oligopoly

In this CFA study guide, we’ll make it easier to differentiate between the 3 major types of industries covered in the CFA Curriculum: perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly. Most of the formulas needed to crush the Economics portion of the…

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CFA Study Guide – Calculating Currency Cross Rates

In this short post, we’ll be looking at calculating currency cross rates. If you understand how to do these calculations, this will give you easy points in your CFA exam.

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CFA vs FRM: Which One is Better

Financial professionals who want advancements in their career always find it difficult to decide which courses can offer more facilities to get more lucrative job offers. In this situation, two courses come into their preference, CFA, and FRM. Both these…

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