Level I CFA® Exam Preparation offered by AnalystPrep
Career as a CFA Charterholder Are you looking to be a financial analyst, an investment analyst, a portfolio manager, a research analyst, a credit analyst, an account manager? Those are but a few of the career opportunities that a CFA…

2021 CFA® Exams – New Exam Dates and Registration Fees
Whether affected or infected, it is indisputable that the COVID-19 brought with it more harm than good. Among the many adverse effects of the disease include deaths, loss of jobs, slow businesses, movement restrictions, and decline in countries’ economies. The…

Changes to CFA® Exams in 2021
Exam Postponements in 2020 In 2020, Coronavirus disrupted the normal functioning of the whole world. For this reason, CFA Institute decided to postpone the CFA exams, and in so doing, allowed candidates an extra 6 months to study. Postponing exam…

The Complete Study Guide and Outline to the Level I of the CFA® Exam
Getting your Chartered Financial Analyst® or CFA® designation is a great way to ensure a better career for yourself. In order to get there, however, there are a series of challenges that you must pass. The first one – and…

Best Tips and Tricks for Preparing and Successfully Passing FRM Exams
Passing your Financial Risk Management (FRM) exam on the first try isn’t impossible – it is however quite difficult. FRM exams are detailed and involve complex calculations and thinking from each exam candidate. A financial risk manager is expected to…

Options Payoffs and Profits (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
The buyer of an option has the right but not the obligation to exercise the option. The maximum loss to the buyer is equal to the premium paid for the option. The potential gains are theoretically infinite. To the seller (writer), however, the maximum gain is limited…

Bond Valuation (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Bond valuation is an application of discounted cash flow analysis. The general approach to bond valuation is to utilize a series of spot rates to reflect the timing of future cash flows. Value, Price, and TVM Value can be described as…

Covariance and Correlation (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Covariance The covariance is a measure of the degree of co-movement between two random variables. For instance, we could be interested in the degree of co-movement between the rate of interest and the rate of inflation. X = interest rate…

How LinkedIn Can Help a CFA® Program Student for Career Growth
Studying to become a Certified Financial Analyst isn’t a cakewalk by any standards. It requires years of extra effort to learn various accounting processes, laws and regulations, complex calculations, and more. However, all the efforts and resources you invest in…

Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio and Jensen’s Alpha (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Portfolio Performance Measures Portfolio management involves a trade-off between risk and return. Most amateur investors mistakenly focus only on the return aspect and lose sight of the risk taken to achieve the return. The portfolio performance measures are intended as…