GMAT Integrated Reasoning: Multi-Source Reasoning

Multi-source reasoning questions in the integrated reasoning section are some of the most unique questions in the entire GMAT exam. The integrated reasoning section has 12 questions. Usually, three of these make one set of multi-source reasoning questions. In a…

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GMAT Data Sufficiency Word problems

Of the 31 questions you will come across in the quantitative reasoning section of the GMAT exam, at least 50% will be data-sufficiency questions. This means that there will be 15 to 16 data-sufficiency questions in any quantitative reasoning section…

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GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Section: Number Properties

Number Properties is one of the foundational concepts of the GMAT quantitative reasoning section. Some of the concepts this article covers are very simple, and some people may even consider them obvious, yet they aren’t so obvious to everyone. It…

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GMAT Problem Solving: Technical Mathematics

While there are several ways of solving mathematical problems in the quantitative reasoning section of the GMAT, a time comes when the only reasonable tactic is technical mathematics. If you see a clearly technical math problem where no information is…

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GMAT Reading Comprehension: Exam Overview

Reading comprehension is one of the three types of questions you will find in the verbal reasoning section of your GMAT exam, with the other two being critical reasoning and sentence correction. Always assume that you are going to see…

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GMAT Data Sufficiency Questions: Tips To Improve Scores

There’s no doubt anyone would find the GMAT data sufficiency questions confusing, especially if you’re handling them for the first time. While they tend to look like most of the questions you’ve come across in your math class, they’re far…

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GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions: Exam Overview

GMAT critical reasoning questions are among the three types of questions in the verbal reasoning section, they’re assumed to be the least frequent questions in the verbal reasoning section. This means that you will likely see more reading comprehension and…

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Mental Math and Manual Calculations: Best Practices for GMAT

Most GMAT test takers are often thrown off a little bit by the fact that no calculators are provided or allowed for the quantitative section in the GMAT exam. However, GMAC(the body that puts forth the exam) does not value…

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GMAT Problem-Solving Questions: Tips To Improve Scores

GMAT problem-solving questions in the quantitative section of the GMAT exam can be very challenging. However, if you prepare adequately and ensure that you use your time efficiently and effectively, you will improve your chances of achieving your desired target…

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GMAT Sentence Correction Questions: Exam Overview

As you tackle the verbal section of your GMAT exams, you’ll come across several questions on Sentence Corrections. They’re the least frequent question types you’re likely to find in your GMAT exam’s verbal reasoning section. Generally, the total number of…

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