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Different hedge fund strategies exhibit unique risk factor exposures and vulnerabilities. Linear factor models, like the conditional factor model used in this analysis, offer valuable insights into hedge fund investments' inherent characteristics and risks. These models help assess whether hedge fund strategies are exposed to specific risks under abnormal market conditions, highlighting their dynamic nature.
The importance of such models is evident in the hedge fund industry's response to the global financial crisis, where many funds faced unexpected risk exposures and substantial performance declines, resulting in numerous fund closures and asset declines.
A basic conditional linear factor model used to analyze the returns of a hedge fund strategy can be expressed as:
$$ \begin{align*}
[\text{Return on HF}_i ]_t& =a_i+ \beta_{i,1} (\text{Factor } 1)_t+\beta_{i,2} (\text{Factor } 2)_t+\cdots +\beta_{i,k} (\text{Factor } k)_t \\ & +D_t \beta_{i,1} (\text{Factor } 1)_t+D_t \beta_{i,2} (\text{Factor } 2)_t+\cdots \\ & +D_t \beta_{i,k} (\text{Factor } k)_t +(\text{error})_{i,t} \end{align*} $$
Each beta factor signifies the expected impact on hedge fund returns when a specific risk factor increases by one unit while keeping all other factors constant. Unexplained portions of hedge fund returns are attributed to three factors:
To construct this model, the initial step involves identifying a comprehensive array of asset class and macro-related market risks, encompassing stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, credit spreads, and volatility. Following the methodology of Hasanhodzic and Lo (2007) and industry standards, the model incorporates six primary factors.
What can be concluded about the risk exposures of different hedge fund strategies?
- Opportunistic managers often count on mean reversion in their strategies.
- Relative value managers rely on market directionality for their returns.
- Different hedge fund strategies exhibit unique factor exposures and vulnerabilities.
The correct answer is C.
Different hedge fund strategies exhibit unique factor exposures and vulnerabilities. This is a correct statement based on the information in the passage, as it highlights that each hedge fund strategy has specific risk exposures and vulnerabilities.
A is incorrect. Relative value managers typically count on mean reversion, and it does not specify the strategy of opportunistic managers.
B is incorrect. Relative value managers do not expect trendiness but typically count on mean reversion.
Reading 38: Hedge Fund Strategies
LOS 38 (h) Describe how factor models may be used to understand hedge fund risk exposures.