Backtesting an Investment Strategy
Backtesting is an investment strategy evaluation technique. It uses past data to test... Read More
Equilibrium term structure models are built on theories about the economy. They explain the stochastic process that describes the dynamics of the yield curve (term structure). They are primarily based on macroeconomic variables. That includes inflation, unemployment, economic growth, GDP, and balance of payments.
Equilibrium term structure models have three main properties:
The Vasicek model is a single-factor model that assumes the movement of interest rates can be modeled based on a single random) factor. It was introduced in 1977 by Oldřich Vašíček.
The model employs the following equation to model the short-term rate of interest, \(r\):
$$dr=\alpha\left(\mu-{r}\right)dt+\sigma dw$$
The first part on the right-hand side of the equation is the deterministic part, while the second part is the stochastic part.
The stochastic part is normally distributed with a mean of 0 and standard deviation \(\sigma\sqrt t\).
The Vasicek model assumes that interest rates do not increase or decrease to extreme levels but rather exhibit mean reversion. An increase in the short rate leads to a negative drift, pulling the rate back to \({\mu}\). Similarly, a decrease in the short rate leads to a positive drift, pulling the rate back to \({\mu}\).
Ideally, interest rates should be positive. Otherwise, it becomes difficult to find depositors because no one would want to pay in order to keep their money in the bank, rather than generating a profit. With negative interests, banks themselves would have to pay to keep their excess reserves at the central bank.
However, the Vasicek model allows interest rates to be negative.
Finally, the Vasicek model allows the yield curve to be upward-sloping, downward-sloping, or humped based on the selected parameter values.
Under the CIR model, interest rate movements can be explained in terms of an individual’s investment preferences and consumption and the risk-return payoff of the productive processes of the economy.
The model is given by:
The first part on the right-hand side of the equation is the deterministic part, while the second part is the stochastic part.
We have seen that the Vasicek model allows the short-term interest rate to be negative. However, this assumption is not ideal.
The CIR model incorporates \(\sqrt{r}\) in the volatility coefficient, which guarantees that interest rates remain strictly positive.
Note to candidates: The main difference between the models is that the CIR model assumes that interest rate volatility increases with an increase in interest rates. In contrast, the Vasicek model assumes that interest rate volatility is constant.
Arbitrage-free models are less theoretical models that employ the realized (actual) yield curve to estimate future interest rates.
These models are based on the assumption that the market term structure is correct, and thus no arbitrage opportunities exist.
The Ho-Loo model is an arbitrage-free model set to market data and uses a binomial lattice approach to generate a distribution of possible future interest rates.
It is expressed as:
$$ dr=\theta dt+\sigma dw $$
Where \(\theta\) is the drift parameter.
The resulting interest rates can be used to determine the prices of zero-coupon bonds and the spot curve.
Which of the following is the least appropriate feature of the Vasicek model?
- The short-term interest rate exhibits mean reversion.
- It assumes that interest rate volatility increases with increases in the level of interest rates.
- It allows the short-term interest rate to be negative.
The correct answer is B.
Vasicek model assumes that interest rate volatility is constant, whereas the CIR model assumes that interest rate volatility increases with increases in interest rates.
Reading 29: The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework
LOS 29 (i) Describe time structure models and how they are used.