How High is the CFA® Exam Pass Rate?
The CFA exam pass rate is not high since aside from being challenging, the course is tested in three levels. Very few people pass all the levels, and less than half of the candidates clear the first level. This article…

All You Need to Know About LEVEL I CFA® Exam Computer-Based Testing
The CFA Institute has transitioned all level testing to be computer-based in 2021. Prometric will administer all the exams, and you should schedule your exam appointment. Why Did the CFA Program Transition From Paper to Computer-based Testing? 1. To Remain…

The Best Tips to Study for and Pass Level I CFA® Exam
You have probably heard how difficult CFA® level I examination are, and you might be wondering if and how best to study for them. To move on to the next level, you need to attain the minimum passing score (MPS)…

5 Key Benefits Of FRM Certification
The FRM (Financial Risk Manager) is one of the most recognized risk management designations issued by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) to advance a financial services career. Risk manager plays an essential role in financial services. A risk…

Difference between MBA, Masters in Finance (MF), CFA® Program and FRM
Now the world is going digital. This increase in online tools, services, and various platforms has led to a high jump in material available on-the-line. Since you’ve come to our page, you are probably a student, wondering how to succeed…

Time To Rethink the Classic 60/40 Portfolio
The Federal Reserve is continuously tightening and affecting fixed-income investments. It has decided to reduce the rate of return for bonds with at least five years of maturity. Generally, the 60/40 portfolio has delivered excellent performance. However, tough times must…

Writing an Effective Preparation Plan for the Level III of the CFA® Exam
You’ve invested a lot of hard work, study hours, and time into passing the level I and level II CFA® exams. You’ve succeeded and now it’s time for the final stage. You can almost see the finish line and now…

CFA® vs. MBA vs. Master’s in Finance (MF): Comparing and Contrasting
If you are just starting or have already begun building a career in finance, you may be considering becoming a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst®) charterholder. It’s clearly a respected credential in the investment community. At the same time, you may…

7 Reasons People Fail Level I of the CFA® Exam
The financial services industry is filled with career opportunities. There are company-employed financial analysts, CFO’s, and advisors, investment managers, freelance financial planners, personal budget consultants, and, of course, all possible professional careers in the banking and insurance industries. What gets…