Study Notes for CFA® Level III – Ac ...
Reading 25: Active Equity Investing: Strategies Los 25 a: Compare fundamental and quantitative... Read More
Los 9 b: Discuss the relationships among human capital, financial capital, and economic net worth
Los 9 c: Discuss the financial stages of life for an individual
Los 9 d: Describe an economic (holistic) balance sheet
Los 9 f: Describe types of insurance relevant to personal financial planning
Los 9 h: Discuss the use of annuities in personal financial planning
Los 9 i: Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of fixed and variable annuities
Los 15 a, b: Early Career Stage: Identifying and Analyzing Risk Exposures
Los 15 c, d: Risk Exposures During the Career Development Stage
Los 15 e, f: Risk Exposures During Peak Accumulation Stage
Los 15 g, h: Risk Exposures During Early Retirement Stage
Los 10 a: Discuss common characteristics of institutional investors as a group
Los 10 b: Discuss investment policy of institutional investors
Los 10 f: Evaluate the investment policy statement of an institutional investor
Los 10 i: Describe considerations affecting the balance sheet management of banks and insurers
Los 14 a: Discuss tools for managing portfolio liquidity risk
Los 14 b: Discuss capture of the illiquidity premium as an investment objective
Los 14 e, f: Tactical Asset Allocation