Valuing Embedded Options
According to the arbitrage-free framework, the value of a bond with embedded options... Read More
There are five steps involved in the valuation process:
To forecast a company’s financial performance, an analyst needs to fully understand the industry that the company operates in, its strategy, and its previous financial performance.
Complete industry analysis enables an analyst to develop appropriate scenarios that can be used in the valuation process. Sensitivity analysis is used to determine how change on one input affects the output of the analysis.
The following questions are relevant in understanding a business and its industry.
Michael Porter’s five forces are widely used in understanding the industry structure. These are:
A company that can create and sustain an advantage relative to its competition will have a higher value. According to Porter, there are three strategies to achieving an above-average performance:
Analyzing a company’s past financial reports gives an insight into how it has performed relative to its objectives and provides a basis for developing a company’s future performance. By analyzing a few years’ worth of past annual reports, an analyst can see how management has predicted and adapted to challenges.
When analyzing a company’s strategic execution, an analyst should:
Industry and company information can be derived from mandated disclosures, regulatory filings, press releases, investor relations materials, contacts with other analysts, industry organizations, market intelligence providers.
Two crucial things to consider when using accounting information are:
An analyst should also identify reported decisions that result in earnings that are unlikely to continue. For example, breaking down net income into an accrual and cash component. A company with a high proportion of accruals indicates that most of its sales are sold on credit. The cash component is more persistent than the accruals and companies with high accruals will have a relatively lower return on assets (ROA) in the future. Net income with a high proportion of accruals is considered to be of lower quality.
$$\small{\begin{array}{l|l} \textbf{Example} & \textbf{Potential Interpretation}\\ \hline{\text{Recognizing revenue too early. For}\\ \text{example, bill & hold of sales and}\\ \text{recording sales before acceptance by the}\\ \text{customer.}} & {\text{Reported income.}\\ \text{Future income.}}\\ \hline{\text{Recognizing too much or too little}\\ \text{reserves in the current period, e.g., bad}\\ \text{debt provisions, restructuring reserves.}} & {\text{Current income.}\\ \text{Future income.}\\ \text{Leading to the probable poor underlying}\\ \text{performance.}}\\ \hline{\text{Use of off-balance-sheet financings like}\\ \text{leasing assets or securitizing receivables.}} & \text{Balance sheet assets and liabilities may}\\ \text{not be properly reflected on the balance sheet.} \\ \hline{\text{Characterization of bank overdraft as an}\\ \text{operating cash flow.}} & \text{Operating cash flow may be inflated.}\\ \end{array}}$$
Which of the following is most likely one of Porter’s five forces that are used to analyze an industry?
- Supplier power.
- Top-down forecasting approach.
- Cost leadership.
The correct answer is A.
Supplier power is one of Porter’s five factors that are used to analyze industry. An industry with many suppliers reduces suppliers’ power to increase the prices of their products because industry participants can easily switch suppliers. This enhances industry profitability. The other factors include buyer power, substitutes, new entrants, the intensity of industry rivalry.
B is incorrect. The top-down approach is one of the methods that is used in forecasting company performance.
C is incorrect. Cost leadership is one of the strategies companies use to create and sustain a competitive advantage relative to the competition. The other strategies are differentiation and focus.
Reading 22: Equity Valuation: Applications and Processes
LOS 22 (e) Describe questions that should be addressed in conducting industry and competitive analysis.