Initial Evaluation
Four questions need to be answered at the initial evaluation of corporate restructuring:... Read More
The multiple coefficients of determination, R2, can be used to test the overall usefulness of the overall set of independent variables in explaining the dependent variable. Multiple R2 can be interpreted as the percentage of the dependent variables’ total variability that can be collectively explained by all the independent variables.
It is calculated similarly to the case of the simple regression model:
$$\begin{align*}R^{2}&=\frac{\text{Total Variation}-\text{Unexplained Variation}}{\text{Total Variation}} \\&= \frac{\text{Regression Sum of Squares (RSS)}}{\text{Total Variation (SST)}}\end{align*}$$
However, multiple R2 is less useful in measuring the goodness of fit of a multiple regression model. This is because it increases each time you add new independent variables, even if the variation explained by them may not be statistically significant. An overfitted model contains deceptively high multiple R2 values thus have a decreased ability to make precise predictions.
Adjusted R2 , \(\overline{R}^{2}\), adjusts for the number of independent variables in the model. Its value increases only when the added independent variables improve the fit of the regression model. Furthermore, it decreases when the added variables do not improve the model fit by a good enough amount.
The relationship between \(R^{2}\) and \(\overline{R}^{2}\) is expressed as:
The adjusted \(\overline{R}^{2}\) can be negative if \(R^{2}\) is low enough. However, multiple \(R^{2}\) is always positive.
Consider the following table showing the number of independent variables and the corresponding R2 and the adjusted R2.
$$\small{\begin{array}{c|c|c} {\textbf{No of Independent}\\ \textbf{Variables}}&\bf{R^{2}}&\textbf{Adjusted } \bf{R^{2}}\\ \hline1 & 75.4 & 74.3 \\ \hline2 & 89.2 & 88.1\\ \hline3 & 90.7 & 89.2\\ \hline4 & 92.4 & 85.6\\ \hline5 & 93.2 & 84.0\\ \end{array}}$$
Notice the following key points from the above table:
The fact that the regression model has a high adjusted R2 does not mean that it is based on only the correct variables. Several other factors need to be considered before concluding that the model is well specified.
Which of the following is most appropriate about adjusted R2?
A. It is nondecreasing in the number of independent variables.
B. It may or may not increase when one adds an independent variable.
C. It is always positive.
The correct answer is B.
The value of the adjusted R2 increases only when the added independent variables improve the fit of the regression model. Moreover, it decreases when the added variables do not improve the model fit by a good enough amount.
A is incorrect. The adjusted R2 can decrease when the added variables do not improve the model fit by a good enough amount. However, multiple R2 is nondecreasing in the number of independent variables, so it is less reliable as a measure of goodness of fit in regression with more than one independent variable than in a one-independent variable regression.
C is incorrect. The adjusted \(\overline{R}^{2}\) can be negative if \(R^{2}\) is low enough. However, multiple \(R^{2}\) is always positive.
Reading 2: Multiple Regression
LOS 2 (h) Contrast and interpret the \(R^{2}\) and adjusted \(R^{2}\) in multiple regression.