Growth Rate of the Economy
Real Default-free Interest Rates Consider an investor investing in a default-free bond. Further,... Read More
As an industry proceeds through its life cycle, the type of merger and the motivation behind the merger will vary.
$$\small{\begin{array}{l|l|l|l} \textbf{Industry Life Cycle Stage} & \textbf{Industry Characteristics} & \textbf{Merger Motivations} & \textbf{Types of Mergers}\\ \hline\textbf{Pioneer/development} & {\text{Slowly increasing sales}\\ \text{growth}} & \text{Entry into new markets} & \text{Conglomerate} \\
& \text{Large development costs} & {\text{Pooling management}\\ \text{and capital resources}} & \text{Horizontal}\\ {}& \text{Low profit margins} & & \\ \hline\textbf{Rapid growth} & {\text{High-profit margin}\\ \text{companies}} & \text{Expand capacity} & \text{Conglomerate} \\ {}& \text{Low competition} & \text{Gain access to capital} & \text{Horizontal} \\ {}& {\text{Accelerating sales and}\\ \text{earnings}} & {} & {}\\ \hline\textbf{Mature growth} & {\text{Decrease in the entry of}\\ \text{new competition}} & {\text{Synergy in economies}\\ \text{of scale}} & \text{Horizontal} \\ & \text{Growth potential remains} & {\text{Improved operational}\\ \text{efficiency}} & \text{Vertical}\\ \hline{\textbf{Stabilization and}\\ \textbf{market maturity}} & \text{Increased competition} & \text{Synergy} & \text{Horizontal} \\ {}& \text{Increased capacity constraints} & {\text{To acquire new}\\ \text{capabilities and resources}} & \\ \hline{\textbf{Deceleration of growth}\\ \textbf{and decline}} & \text{Overcapacity} & \text{Ensure survival} & \text{Horizontal}\\ {}& \text{Eroding profit margins} & \text{Exploit synergy} & \text{Vertical}\\ {}& {} & \text{Increase profitability} & \text{conglomerate}\\ \end{array}}$$
A company in an industry facing eroded profit margins and overcapacity is likely to have a horizontal merger. Which one is the most likely motivation for the horizontal merger?
- To ensure the survival of the company.
- To increase efficiency and profit margins.
- To get the lower cost of capital.
The correct answer is A.
Horizontal mergers are undertaken to ensure survival.
B is incorrect. This is a motivation for undertaking a vertical merger.
C is incorrect. This is not a motivation to undertaking a merger.
Reading 18: Mergers and Acquisition
LOS 18 (d) Explain, based on industry life cycles, the relation between merger motivations and types of mergers.