The Rationale for Government Incentive ...
An investment incentive is a policy executed by the government to promote the... Read More
The current value of a real default-free bond (inflation-adjusted) is given by:
$$ P_0=\sum_{t=1}^{n}\frac{CF_t}{\left[1+R\right]^t} $$
For a default-free nominal coupon-paying bond (non-inflation adjusted), we have:
$$ P_0=\sum_{t=1}^{n}\frac{CF_t}{\left[1+R+\theta+\pi\right]^t} $$
The difference between the yield on non-inflation adjusted (nominal) and inflation-indexed bonds with the same maturity is called the break-even inflation (BEI) rate. The inflation expectations, \({\theta}\), and the risk premium demanded by investors as compensation for the uncertainty of future inflation, \({\pi}\), determine the break-even inflation rate.
$$ BEI = \theta+\pi $$
Which of the following elements is least likely to influence the break-even inflation rate (BEI)?
- Expected inflation
- The risk premium for inflation uncertainty
- The risk-free rate
The correct answer is C.
The break-even inflation (BEI) rate is the difference between the yield on non-inflation adjusted (nominal) and inflation-indexed bonds with the same maturity. The break-even inflation rate stems from inflation expectations \((\theta)\) and the risk premium demanded by investors as compensation for the uncertainty of future inflation \((\pi)\). Mathematically,
$$ BEI = \theta+\pi $$
Reading 43: Economics and Investment Markets
LOS 43 (e) Describe the factors that affect yield spreads between non-inflation adjusted and inflation-indexed bonds.