Net Value Per Share (NAVPS) in Publicl ...
NAVPS refers to the (per-share) amount by which assets exceed liabilities. The... Read More
The following are characteristics of deals that create value:
Which of the following is most likely to be a characteristic of M&A transactions that do not add value?
- The transaction premium is 70% over the market trading value.
- The buyer is Europe’s world’s largest supermarket chain.
- There are only 2 bidders.
The correct answer is A.
High transaction premiums imply that the acquirer is overpaying for an undervalued target. If estimated synergies do not occur, the value of the combined companies will reduce.
B is incorrect. A strong buyer is a characteristic of M&A transactions that add value.
C is incorrect. A low number of bidders is a characteristic of M&A transactions that add value.
Reading 18: Mergers and Acquisitions
LOS 18 (j) Describe characteristics of M&A transactions that create value.