Cost of Capital Factors

The type of capital a company seeks affects its capital cost. Debt capital has a lower cost than equity capital due to its lower risk. Before considering the tax deductibility of interest, the cost of debt comprises the sum of…

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Estimating the Cost of Debt

Analysts use several methods to estimate the cost of debt, and the methods depend on the following factors: Type of debt. Debt liquidity. Credit rating. Debt currency. Traded Debt A company with straight debt can estimate its cost of issuing…

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Equity risk premium (ERP) is the difference between the benchmark risk-free rate and expected equity return. Analysts use ERP to calculate a company’s cost of equity capital. $$ \text{Company } ir_e={Er}_{(f)}+(ERP+IRP) $$ We can estimate the ERP of a company…

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Study Notes for CFA® Level II – Corporate Issuers – offered by AnalystPrep

Reading 18: Analysis of Dividends and Share Repurchases -a. Describe the expected effect of regular cash dividends, extra cash dividends, liquidating dividends, stock dividends, stock splits, and reverse stock splits on shareholders’ wealth and a company’s financial ratios; -b. Compare…

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