Beyond Exceedance – Based Backtesting of Value-at-Risk Models: Methods for Back-testing the Entire Forecasting Distribution Using Probability Integral Transform

Beyond Exceedance – Based Backtesting of Value-at-Risk Models: Methods for Back-testing the Entire Forecasting Distribution Using Probability Integral Transform

After completing this reading, you should be able to:

  • Identify the properties of an exceedance-based backtest that indicate a VaR model is accurate, and describe how these properties are reflected in a PIT-based backtest.
  • Explain how to derive probability integral transforms (PITs) in the context of validating a VaR model.
  • Describe how the shape of the distribution of PITs can be used as an indicator of the quality of a VaR model.
  • Describe backtesting using PITs, and compare the various goodness-of-fit tests that can be used to evaluate the distribution of PITs: the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Anderson-Darling test, and the Cramér-von Mises test.

Properties of an Exceedance-Based Backtest that Indicate a VaR Model is Accurate and their Reflection in a PIT-Based Backtest

Exceedance-based backtesting is a crucial statistical procedure in validating Value-at-Risk (VaR) models. It involves comparing realized outcomes against the model’s forecasted values. The primary aims are to:

  • Ensure the model’s accuracy for internal risk management.
  • Satisfy regulatory capital calculation requirements.

Key Properties of an Accurate VaR Model

For a VaR model to be deemed accurate, it should exhibit two primary properties:

  • Unconditional Coverage: This property ensures that the number of actual exceedances (i.e., when actual losses exceed predicted VaR) matches the expected frequency given a predefined confidence level. For example, at a 99% confidence level, exceedances should occur approximately 1% of the time.
  • Independence: Exceedances should occur independently across time, meaning past exceedances should not predict future ones. This ensures the model doesn’t exhibit clustering of exceedances, which indicates violations of model assumptions like randomness and independence of returns.

Reflection of Exceedance Properties in PIT-Based Backtests

The Probability Integral Transform (PIT) provides an alternative perspective to traditional backtesting methods. . Based on the model’s forecast, PITs are calculated as the probability of observing a loss greater than the realized P&L. This approach facilitates the assessment of the entire distribution of forecasts, not just tail events.

PIT-Based Backtesting and Its Properties

  • Uniformity: PITs should be uniformly distributed over the interval [0,1] if the risk is accurately modeled. This reflects the unconditional coverage property, where each P&L outcome corresponds to a uniformly distributed probability.
  • Independence: The PIT series should also be independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.), validating the model’s independence property.
    Example: Non-uniform PIT distributions may indicate conservative risk estimates (too wide) or aggressive risk estimates (too narrow).

Practical Example

A bank forecasts daily losses at a 99% confidence level over 250 trading days, expecting 2–3 exceedances. If the model produces 10 exceedances, it potentially underestimates risk. PIT transformation would show deviations from uniformity, signaling systemic issues in model parameters.

Deriving Probability Integral Transforms (PITs) for Validating VaR Models

PITs play a vital role in assessing the accuracy of Value-at-Risk (VaR) models. They enable financial institutions to verify whether the entire distribution predicted by a VaR model aligns with the observed outcomes, ensuring the model accurately reflects the potential portfolio risks.

Comprehensive Steps to Derive PITs

Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to derive PITs for a VaR model:

  • Step 1: Establish Predictive Distribution: Forecast the entire P&L distribution using the VaR model, not just specific quantiles (e.g., 95% VaR).
  • Step 2: Observe Actual P&L Outcomes: Collect actual P&L outcomes from the portfolio over a defined period. These observations will be used to evaluate how well the model’s predictive distribution matches reality.
  • Step 3: Compute the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF): For each observed P&L value, calculate the CDF), \( F(x) \), to determine the likelihood of a loss less than or equal to the observed value.
  • Step 4: Obtain the PIT Value: Transform each observed P&L into a PIT value \( F(X) \), projecting financial outcomes onto a [0,1] scale.
  • Step 5: Assess Uniform Distribution: Plot the PITs for all values and confirm if the PIT is uniformly distributed over [0, 1]. Uniformity indicates a well-calibrated model.

Practical Example:

A bank observes a loss on a particular day and calculates its PIT as 0.75, showing the loss lies beyond 75% of the predicted distribution. Repeating this process across multiple observations and plotting the PITs helps identify uniformity and model robustness.

The Shape of PIT Distributions as an Indicator of VaR Model Quality

PITs offer valuable insights into the calibration of a VaR model. By plotting PITs for all observations, a well-calibrated model should exhibit a uniform distribution over [0,1]. This uniformity signifies that the model’s predicted probabilities align closely with the observed outcomes, ensuring consistency across the entire spectrum of risk scenarios.

Key Indicators from PIT Distribution Shapes

  • Uniform Distribution: An ideal uniform distribution of PITs confirms the model captures the entire range of risk scenarios.
  • Clustering or Concentrations: When PITs cluster around certain values rather than being spread evenly, it indicates potential model misspecification. Clustering at the middle could mean the model is too conservative, while clustering at the edges suggests an aggressive model that may not fully capture tail risks.
  • Skewness and Kurtosis: Excess skewness or kurtosis reveals asymmetries or heavy tails, indicating the need for model adjustments.

Evaluating Model Quality Through PITs

To assess the quality of a VaR model using the shape of the PIT distribution:

  • Use visual tools like histograms or Q-Q plots to detect uniformity deviations.
  • Apply goodness-of-fit tests such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS), Anderson-Darling (AD), or Cramér-von Mises (CvM) tests.

Implications of Deviation

Significant deviation from a uniform distribution may indicate a need to recalibrate the model:

  • Mass in Tails: Indicates underestimation of extreme risks. This shows an aggressive model.
  • Middle Concentration: Suggests overly conservative assumptions inflating capital requirements unnecessarily. This shows a conservative model.

Backtesting with PITs and Goodness-of-Fit Tests for VaR Models

Backtesting VaR models using PITs provides a comprehensive method to evaluate the robustness of risk assessments. Unlike traditional exceedance tests, PIT-based backtesting examines the entire predictive distribution, offering insights into model accuracy across all risk quantiles.

Evaluating Uniformity with Goodness-of-Fit Tests

The uniformity of PITs indicates whether the VaR model properly reflects the distribution of profits and losses (P&L). To assess this uniformity, various statistical tests can be applied:

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (KS Test)

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test is a widely used non-parametric test that evaluates the goodness-of-fit by comparing the empirical distribution function (EDF) of a sample with the reference uniform distribution function over [0, 1]. It measures the maximum distance between the EDF and the reference CDF. The KS test is ideal for checking the overall uniformity of PIT distributions but may miss tail-specific misspecifications. It is commonly used for quick checks of distributional uniformity.

Test Statistic

The KS test statistic is calculated as:

$$D = \max_{j} \left| F(x_j) – G(x_j) \right| $$


  • \(F(x_j)=\) theoretical CDF under the null.
  • \(G(x_j)=\) empirical CD.
  • \(D=\) maximum absolute difference between \( F(x_j)\) and \( G(x_j)\).

Note that D is equal to zero under the null hypothesis.


  • Simple and widely used for general goodness-of-fit evaluation.
  • Detects deviations in the central portion of the distribution effectively.


  • Less sensitive to deviations in the tails of the distribution.

Anderson-Darling Test (AD Test)

The AD test is a modification of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test that places more weight on the tails of the distribution. It is particularly useful for detecting biases in tail-heavy risk models, such as those used for 99% VaR. The AD test assesses whether the PIT distribution is uniform over [0, 1]. 

The AD test is particularly effective for testing the calibration of risk models where accurate tail behavior is crucial. It is widely used for assessing VaR models designed to capture extreme loss events, ensuring better compliance with regulatory expectations.

Test Statistic

The AD test statistic is calculated as:

$$A^2 = -n – \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \left(2i – 1\right) \left[\ln(F(x_i)) + \ln\left(1 – F(x_{-i})\right)\right]$$


  • \(F(x_i)=\) reference CDF under the null hypothesis.
  • \(n=\) sample size.

The test statistic \( A^2 = 0 \) under the null hypothesis indicates perfect uniformity.


  • Corrects the KS test’s lack of sensitivity to tail deviations.
  • Focuses on the tails, providing more statistical power for extreme quantiles (e.g., 99% confidence levels).


  • It is more computationally intensive compared to the KS test.
  • Sensitive to small sample sizes, which may reduce reliability in datasets with limited observations.

Cramér-von Mises Test (CvM Test)

The Cramér-von Mises (CvM) test evaluates the mean squared deviation between the empirical and reference cumulative distribution functions (CDFs). This test provides balanced sensitivity across the entire distribution, making it effective for detecting deviations in both central and tail regions.

The CvM test is ideal for evaluating the overall goodness-of-fit for large datasets, particularly when both central and tail behaviors are critical. It is effective for assessing the robustness of financial risk models across a wide range of scenarios.

Test Statistic

The CvM test statistic is calculated as:

$$W^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n \left[ F(x_i) – \frac{i – 0.5}{n} \right]^2 + \frac{1}{12n} $$


  • \(F(x_i)=\) reference CDF under the null hypothesis.
  • \(n=\) sample size.


  • Balances sensitivity across the entire distribution, including central and tail deviations.
  • Suitable for detecting misspecifications in large datasets.


  • Computationally demanding, requiring more resources than KS or AD tests.

Strengths and Limitations of KS, AD, CvM Tests

\textbf{Test} & \textbf{Strengths} & \textbf{Limitations} \\ \hline
\text{KS} & {\text{Simple and clear measure}\\ \text{of deviations.}} & \text{Less sensitive at distribution tails.} \\ \hline
\text{AD} & {\text{Tail-focused sensitivity,}\\ \text{ideal for financial models.}} & \text{Sensitive to small sample sizes.} \\ \hline
\text{CvM} & {\text{Balanced sensitivity across}\\ \text{the distribution.}} & \text{Computationally intensive.}\end{array}}$$


In validating VaR models through PIT-based backtesting, a manager seeks to understand the limitations of the Anderson-Darling test within small sample environments. What challenges does this pose in practical application?

  1. Difficulty in capturing central distributions due to heavy tail focus.
  2. Computational inefficiencies make analysis unwieldy.
  3. Sensitivity magnifies inaccuracies within limited datasets.
  4. Risk of understated tail behaviors during assessment.

Correct Answer: C.

The Anderson-Darling test’s sensitivity can magnify inaccuracies within small datasets, making determination of reliable tail behavior challenging, necessitating alternative approaches or additional data for stability.

A is incorrect. Central distribution assessment is possible but tails are emphasized, flipping the problem stated.

B is incorrect. Computational load isn’t as severe as its distributional sensitivity concerns in this context.

D is incorrect. Understatement is the opposite of the challenge – overstatement or misinterpretation is more likely.

Things to Remember:

  • Small sample confirmations can be misleading due to sensitivity in tail behavior assumptions.
  • Larger datasets needed for balanced interpretation of Anderson-Darling test results.
  • Complementary tests may be required to reinforce findings from limited data points.
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