Active Management
Active management is a strategy that involves making investment decisions in an attempt... Read More
Los 1(b): Describe attributes of an effective attribution process
Los 1(e): Interpret the sources of portfolio returns using a specified attribution approach
Los 1(f): Interpret the output from fixed-income attribution analyses
Los 1(g): Discuss considerations in selecting a risk attribution approach
Los 1(i): Discuss uses of liability-based benchmarks
Los 1(j): Describe types of asset-based benchmarks
Los 1(k): Discuss tests of benchmark quality
Los 1(l): Describe problems that arise in benchmarking alternative investments
Los 1(m): Describe the impact of benchmark misspecification on attribution and appraisal analysis
Los 1(o): Describe limitations of appraisal measures and related metrics
Los 1(p): Evaluate the skill of an investment manager
Los 2(a): Describe the components of a manager selection process, including due diligence
Los 2(b): Contrast Type I and Type II errors in manager hiring and continuation decisions
Los 2 (e): Evaluate a manager’s investment philosophy and investment decision-making process
Los 2(h): Describe the three basic forms of performance-based fees
Los 2(i): Analyze and interpret a sample performance-based fee schedule
Los 3(c): Explain the recommended valuation hierarchy of the GIPS standards
Los 3(e, f): Composites: Identifying Eligible Portfolios and Establishing Investment Strategies
Los 3(h): Explain requirements of the GIPS standards with respect to presentation and reporting
Los 3(j): Discuss the purpose, scope, and process of verification