Asset Manager Code
Loyalty to Clients Place client interests before their own. Managers must establish firm... Read More
Under Standard V(B), members and candidates are required to communicate comprehensively and clearly with clients and prospective clients about various aspects of their services. These disclosures include the nature and cost of services, the investment processes, and any risks or limitations involved.
Members and Candidates must:
Standard V(B) addresses the appropriate conduct required by a Member or Candidate when communicating with clients and prospective clients. Clear and effective communication with clients is essential in providing high-quality financial services. Frequent and timely information assists clients in making well-informed investment decisions.
Members and Candidates should communicate the significant factors that inform an investment recommendation. Additionally, Members and Candidates should clearly distinguish between opinions and facts in the presentation of all recommendations.
The CFA Institute Code and Standards aim to protect client interests by ensuring full disclosure of services and costs, enabling informed decision-making. Standard V(B) requires members and candidates to clearly outline the nature and costs of their services, fostering trust. Disclosures must be accurate, timely, and updated if changes occur, covering all associated costs, including those from third parties. Best practices include written disclosures and ongoing updates. Client-facing professionals bear this responsibility, and must ensure firm policies meet these standards, supplementing if necessary. Non-client-facing professionals are generally exempt from this duty.
Clients should understand the basic characteristics of any investment asset or product. This knowledge will help a client judge the suitability of an investment (in isolation) and the impact of the investment on the entire portfolio.
Members and Candidates should:
All types of client communication, in all mediums (not only written reports or written communications), are covered by this standard. Members and Candidates should ensure that information is disseminated fairly regardless of the method of communication used.
To comply with this standard, Members and Candidates must:
Members and Candidates are only responsible for informing clients about risks that are known at the time of disclosure. Members and Candidates are not responsible for disclosing risks they were unaware of at the time when a recommendation or investment action was taken.
A Member or Candidate responsible for the preparation of a research report must include factors that are important to the analysis and conclusions of the report. Investment recommendations that are quantitatively driven must be supported by readily available source materials, e.g., data, assumptions. Any changes in the applied methodology should be acknowledged and disseminated.
Members and Candidates must ensure that they separate opinions from facts. In the case of quantitatively driven analysis, members should distinguish between statistical “talk” and outline any limitations of their analysis.
Members and Candidates should discuss the limitations and assumptions of any financial models and processes that facilitate their analysis. Additionally, Members and Candidates should be cautious when discussing the accuracy of the output generated by models or processes. The output of quantitative models are estimates of future outcomes and not concrete results.
The selection of disclosures of important factors in a research report is subjective. As such, Members and Candidates should maintain records of their research and analysis and make readily available reference material and supplementary information on request.
Application 1: Opinion as Fact
Emmanuel Oluwo works as an oil and gas analyst at GeoField Consultancy Group. He has been working on a report that attempts to assess the crude oil production capacity of Naija Oil Corporation. His assessment will form part of his updated investment recommendation.
Naija Oil Corporation has recently tapped a significant oil resource on the northwest coast of Nigeria. Oluwo’s report includes his estimate (through a series of calculations) of the expanded production capacity of the newly tapped oil field.
In his conclusion, Oluwo states:
“Based on the increase in the production capacity of 500,000 barrels per day, I recommend that Naija Oil Corp is a strong BUY.”
Has Oluwo violated Standard V(B) – Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients?
A. Yes, because he presents his estimate of the increase in capacity of 500,000 barrels per day as a fact and not opinion.
B. No, because he is permitted to include any relevant information in his research report.
C. Yes, because he does not provide a detailed explanation about the methodology applied in his estimate of the production capacity of the new oil field.
The correct answer is A.
Oluwo has violated Standard V(B) – Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients. Oluwo’s calculation of the increase in production is a quantitative estimate (an opinion) and not fact. Opinions must clearly be distinguished from facts in research reports. Oluwo should have details about his estimation methodology prepared and available on request.
Application 2: Notification of Fund Mandate Change
Regis Partners is a fund manager that specializes in large-cap European stocks. One of the key screening criteria is selecting stocks that have a minimum market capitalization of EUR 5 Billion. The Eurozone’s economic outlook and growth prospects have diminished over the past five years, and Regis has altered the growth rate estimates for several of the firms found in its ‘Euro large-cap growth’ fund.
In an attempt to broaden the investment universe of the fund, Regis’s CFO changes the permitted market capitalization to EUR 2.5 Billion. Regis CFO ensures that the firm’s marketing and promotional material include the change in the market capitalization criteria and informs all prospective clients about the updated investment process.
Are any of Regis’s CFO actions in conflict with Standard V(B) – Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients?
A. None of his actions conflict with Standard V(B).
B. Yes, his failure to inform the firm’s existing clients of the change in the market capitalization.
C. Yes, he is not permitted to change the screening criteria of the fund without notifying the firm’s existing clients.
The correct answer is B.
To comply with Standard V(B) – Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients, Regis’s CFO must inform all potential and existing clients about the change in the investment process.
Regis’s CFO took appropriate but incomplete measures in communicating the change in the fund’s investment mandate. Communicating the change in the mandate is a necessary step in providing clients the information required to judge the suitability of their investment in Regis’s Euro large-cap growth fund.
LOS 2(a): Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations.
LOS 2(b): Recommend practices and procedures designed to prevent violations of the Code and Standards.