Capped or Floored Floating-Rate Bonds
Capped and floored floaters can be valued using the arbitrage-free framework. Valuation of... Read More
Sometimes mergers do not work out as expected, or the companies fail to get the synergies they had estimated, and they end up undoing the merger or restructuring. The following are some of the common reasons for restructuring:
Which one of the following is least likely a reason why companies restructure?
- Change of strategic focus.
- Good fit.
- Financial or cash flow needs.
The correct answer is B.
If a division is a good fit, there is no need for a company to restructure.
A is incorrect. A change in strategy can result in a corporate restructuring.
C is incorrect. Financial or cash flow needs may push a company to sell a portion of itself to increase cash flows.
Reading 18: Mergers and Acquisitions
LOS 18 (l) Explain common reasons for restructuring.