Measuring Bond Exposure
Shaping risk is the sensitivity of a bond’s price to changes in the... Read More
A time series is said to follow a random walk process if the predicted value of the series in one period is equivalent to the value of the series in the previous period plus a random error.
A simple random walk process can be expressed as follows:
Note that a random walk is expressed as:
A random walk has an undefined mean reversion level. If has a mean-reverting level, i.e., \(\text{x}_{\text{t}}=\text{b}_{0}+\text{b}_{1}\text{x}_{\text{t}},\) then \(\text{x}_{\text{t}}=\frac{\text{b}_{0}}{1-\text{b}_{1}}\). However, in a random walk, \(\text{b}_{0}=0\) and \(\text{b}_{1}=1\), so, \(\text{x}_{\text{t}}=\frac{0}{1-1}=0\).
A random walk is not covariance stationary. The covariance stationary property suggests that the mean and variance terms of a time series remain constant over time. However, the variance of a random walk process does not have an upper bound. As \(t\) increases, the variance grows with no upper bound. This implies that we cannot use standard regression analysis on a time series that appears to be a random walk.
The most accurate statement about a random walk is that it:
- Has a finite mean-reverting level.
- Has an undefined mean-reverting level.
- Is covariance stationary.
The correct answer is B.
A random walk process has an undefined mean-reverting level, and thus it is not covariance stationary.
Reading 5: Time Series Analysis
LOS 5 (i) Describe characteristics of random walk processes and contrast them to covariance stationary processes.