Valuation Multiples
Valuation multiples include the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) and the price-to-book ratio (P/B). A... Read More
Using other measures of earnings like net income, EBIT, EBITDA, or CFO in the discounted cash flow model would give a wrong estimate of a company’s value.
Net income inappropriately:
EBIT inappropriately:
Which of the following reasons most likely makes net income a poor measure of earnings in the discounted cash flow model?
- It does not reflect the cash taxes paid by the firm.
- It does not account for the depreciation tax shield.
- It includes the effects of non-cash charges like depreciation.
The correct answer is C.
Net income is a poor measure of earnings in the discounted cash flow model because it includes the effects of non-cash charges like deprecation. Depreciation should be added back as it is a non-cash expense.
A is incorrect. Net income reflects the cash taxes paid by the firm. This is a reason why EBIT is a poor measure of earnings in the discounted cash flow model.
B is incorrect. Net income reflects the depreciation tax shield as depreciation is deducted when computing net income. This is a reason why EBIT is a poor measure of earnings in the discounted cash flow model.
Reading 24: Free Cash Flow Valuation
LOS 24 (h) Evaluate the use of net income and EBITDA as proxies for cash flow in valuation.