Effective Attribution Process
Numerous stakeholders are interested in the results of the performance attribution process. Virtually any individual or entity that is affected by the outcomes of the portfolio should want to know how the return (or loss) was achieved. What specific decision…
Performance Measurement
Performance evaluation includes three components, each relating to a specific question about a portfolio's performance: Performance measurement: Quantifies performance. Performance attribution: Demonstrates performance method. Performance appraisal: Distinguishes skill from luck. While each factor above stands on its own, there is…
Real-time Surveillance of Markets
Several markets use real-time surveillance to detect market malpractices and give quick remedies. The market malpractices that can be detected by real-time monitoring are: Front running: This is also known as forward trading. It is a situation where a trader…
Electronic Trading Risks
The risks associated with automated trading are: High-frequency traders’ arms race: The competition among the high-frequency traders has made trading increasingly expensive. Therefore, several HFTs quit the market when they cannot compete effectively. Systemic risks: A systemic risk is the…
Latency is the delay between the occurrence of an event and a subsequent event. It can also be defined as any delay in time between a request and a response. Advantages of Low-latency Traders Adequate productivity: When there is a…
Electronic Trading System Facilities
Features of Electronic Trading Systems The mushrooming of electronic trading systems has forced buy-side traders, proprietary traders, and brokers to adopt the usage of new electronic trading tools. We discuss a few of the features of electronic trading in this…
Types of Electronic Traders
Electronic trading strategies are most effective because they act on information extremely fast. They have been adopted by proprietary traders, buy-side traders, and the automated brokers that serve the systems. Electronic proprietary traders consist of high-frequency and low-latency traders. The…
Market Fragmentation
Market fragmentation implies that a market is composed of several heterogeneous segments. Fragmentation in a market can be caused by several market needs, reduced levels of innovation, and economies of scale. Market fragmentation enables businesses to reach the right consumers….
Electronic Trading Systems
The electronic trading system involves the use of modern information technologies in business. Most large markets use electronic devices in their transactions to enhance efficiency and sufficiency. In such markets, traders and exchange systems are interdependent. While traders need fast…
Implementation Shortfall
The implementation shortfall approach involves taking the difference between the prevailing price and the final execution price when a buy or sell decision is made concerning security. This technique solves the challenges of the effective spread method. It consists of…