Standard VII(A) – Conduct as participants in CFA Institute programs
Members and Candidates must not participate in any activity that jeopardizes CFA Institute’s or the CFA designation’s reputation, integrity, or security of CFA Institute programs. Application 1: Writing After Exam Period End Fiona King, a CFA Level III candidate, took…
Standard VI(A) – Disclosure of Conflicts
All issues that could reasonably be expected to compromise their independence and objectivity or conflict with their respective duties to their clients, prospective clients, and employer must be disclosed fully and fairly by Members and Candidates. Application 1: Personal Stock…
Standard V(A) – Diligence and Reasonable Basis
Members and Candidates must: Analyze investments, give investment recommendations, and take investment activities with diligence, independence, and completeness. Have a reasonable and adequate basis for any investment analysis, recommendation, or action, backed by suitable research and investigation. Diligence and Reasonable…
Standard IV(A) – Loyalty
Members and Candidates must act in the best interests of their employers, not denying them the benefit of their skills and abilities, divulging sensitive information, or harming them in any other way. Members and Candidates should act in the best…
Standard III(A) – Loyalty, Prudence, and Care
Members and Candidates owe their clients a responsibility of loyalty, and they must act with reasonable caution and sound judgment. Members and Candidates must work in the best interests of their clients, putting their clients’ needs ahead of their employer’s…
Standard VII(B) – Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program
Application 1: Stating Facts About the CFA® Designation and CFA® Program Dorothy Chen, CFA, is in conversation with one of her mentees – Hannah Blake. Blake is considering sitting the CFA Level I exam and is asking Chen for her…
Standard VII – Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate
Standard VII(A) – Conduct as participants in CFA Institute programs Members and Candidates must not participate in any activity that jeopardizes CFA Institute’s or the CFA designation’s reputation, integrity, or security of CFA Institute programs. Application 1: Writing After Exam…
Standard VI(C) – Referral Fees
Members and Candidates must disclose any remuneration, consideration, or advantages received from or provided to anyone to recommend products or services to their employer, clients, and prospective clients, as applicable. Application 1: Disclosure of Interdepartmental Referral Agreements Britney Sullivan works…
Standard VI(B) – Priority of transactions
Client and employer investment transactions must take precedence over investment transactions in which a member or candidate is the beneficial owner. Application 1: Family Account as Equals Gia Davies, a senior trader at InvestCorp Brokerage, has recently helped her sister…
Standard VI – Conflicts of Interest
Standard VI(A) – Disclosure of Conflicts All issues that could reasonably be expected to compromise their independence and objectivity or conflict with their respective duties to their clients, prospective clients, and employer must be disclosed fully and fairly by Members…