Pooled Investments

Pooled investments encompass mutual funds and ETFs, topics extensively covered in other parts of the curriculum. Both open-ended and closed mutual funds, along with ETFs, provide various avenues for mirroring index performance. Derivatives-based Strategies Derivatives, such as futures, forwards, options,…

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Factor-Based Strategies

Passive Investing Alternatives Pure passive equity investing involves purchasing and holding an index to replicate its performance at a minimal cost. The cost element is crucial – excessive expenses in replication can negatively impact returns over the long term. Larger…

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Choosing a Benchmark

Rules Based: A benchmark should have well-defined criteria for including and excluding stocks, including how they are weighted and rebalanced. These rules need to be objectively implemented to allow investors to replicate the index's performance. Transparent: The rules mentioned above…

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Guidance on Managing Outsourcing Risk

 After completing this reading, you should be able to: Explain how risks can arise through outsourcing activities to third-party service providers and describe elements of an effective program to manage outsourcing risk. Explain how financial institutions should perform due…

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Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement

After completing this reading, you should be able to: Define, compare, and contrast VaR and tracking error as risk measures. Describe risk planning, including its objectives, effects, and the participants in its development. Describe risk budgeting and the role of…

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Alpha (and the Low-risk Anatomy)

After completing this reading, you should be able to: Describe and evaluate the low-risk anomaly of asset returns. Define and calculate alpha, tracking error, the information ratio, and the Sharpe ratio. Explain the impact of benchmark choice on alpha, and…

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Portfolio Construction

 After completing this reading, you should be able to: Distinguish among the inputs to the portfolio construction process. Evaluate the methods and motivation for refining alphas in the implementation process. Describe neutralization and methods for refining alphas to be…

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Liquidity and Leverage

> After completing this reading, you should be able to: Differentiate between sources of liquidity risk and describe specific challenges faced by different types of financial institutions in managing liquidity risk. Summarize the asset-liability management process at a fractional reserve…

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After completing this reading, you should be able to: Describe the process of value investing and explain the reasons why a value premium may exist. Explain how different macroeconomic risk factors, including economic growth, inflation, and volatility affect risk premiums…

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Backtesting VaR

After completing this reading, you should be able to: Describe backtesting and exceptions and explain the importance of backtesting VaR models. Explain the significant difficulties in backtesting a VaR model. Verify a model based on exceptions or failure rates. Identify…

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