The GMAT Verbal Reasoning Section – Exam Tips

The GMAT Verbal Reasoning Section – Exam Tips

The GMAT consists of different sections, including the verbal reasoning section, which tests your English reading and comprehension skills. It tests a candidate’s skill in analyzing written arguments, and ability to edit sentences to express ideas effectively. The section contains 36 multiple-choice questions and takes 65 minutes to complete.

The question formats in the GMAT verbal reasoning section are 13 to 14 reading comprehension questions, 9 to 10 critical reasoning questions, and 12 to 13 sentence correction questions. The Verbal has a scaled score of 0 to 60. Consequently, your total GMAT score is a combination of your performance in the verbal and quantitative segments. It ranges between 200 and 800, with 10-point increments reflecting the difficulty of questions answered.

That said, let’s look at exam prep strategies for each type of question in the verbal reasoning section.

I. Reading comprehension

Reading comprehension questions test your critical reading skills, such as summarising the main concept, differentiating between stated and implied ideas, making interpretations based on the information given, deducing the authors’ tone and attitude, and analyzing the logical structure.

The question consists of a passage on business, social science, biological science, or physical science-related topics. However, you do not require specialized knowledge of the topics to comprehend the text or answer the questions.

First, read through the passage quickly and identify the general idea and scope of the topic, the author’s purpose, and the tone of voice. You can identify the authors’ opinions by spotting opinionated words such as “clearly,” “hence” and “obviously.”

For you to answer these questions successfully, you should;

  • Ensure that you understand what the question is asking. Your answer is wrong if it does not answer the question asked, even if it gives correct information from the passage.
  • Use information from the passage to answer the questions. When choosing an answer, consider what the text states or implies, and do not let your knowledge of the topic influence your answer.
  • Ensure that you understand the passage before attempting the questions. Understanding the text is critical when answering reading comprehension questions.
  • Read the question and all the answer choices carefully before making a final decision.

II. Critical Reasoning

These questions include a short argument or statements and a question relating to them. The questions test your skills in making and evaluating arguments and formulating an action plan. You should understand the structure of arguments and logically analyze the relationships between evidence and conclusions. Additionally, identify evidence that supports the conclusion and any assumptions made. However, you do not need knowledge of the topic to answer the questions.

Critical reasoning questions consist of a short passage and questions related to the argument. For instance, you may need to identify the answer that completes or strengthens the argument or the choice that concludes the passage.

To answer these questions, you should;

  • Ensure that you understand the statements that inform the question. Identify the facts, claimed or not said but follow what the passage says.
  • Identify the conclusion part of the argument for the question based on arguments. Remember that the argument can appear anywhere in the passage and not necessarily at the end of the text.
  • Determine what the question is asking and re-read the part of the passage that answers the question.
  • Carefully read through all the answer choices and remember that the obvious is not always correct. Critical reasoning questions usually have tricky wording.

III. Sentence correction

This section will have long sentences consisting of an underlined part or sentence. Your task is to find the best version of the underlined section from the original or one of the four different choices given. The original sentence may be correct or contain several errors.

You should choose the answer that gives a clear, exact, and grammatically correct sentence. Check the grammar, sentence construction, and word choice in each answer.

When answering sentence correction questions, ensure that;

  • You carefully read the sentence and identify the intention behind the sentence.
  • You pay attention to the underlined part and look for any errors before looking at your answer choices.
  • When considering the answer options, identify the one that fixes the mistakes you identified in the original sentence. Additionally, look for clarity, precision, and appropriate diction.
  • Remember that some original sentences are the best choice and do not need corrections.

If you are applying for an MBA program, your total GMAT score is essential because graduate schools primarily look at it. The verbal reasoning section contributes to half of your total score, and you must pass this section. A high GMAT score will distinguish your application and help you get into a competitive business school. Enroll in our study plans at and get expert help for your exam prep.

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