The GMAT Verbal Reasoning Section R ...
The GMAT consists of different sections, including the verbal reasoning section, which tests... Read More
A high score in your GMAT® exam positively impacts your business school application and shows you have what it takes to succeed in the MBA program. The first step is preparing for your exam using a customized study plan. Additionally, you should choose the best study materials and know what to expect on the GMAT® test day and after the exam.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some test centers have closed. However, you can find more information on test center availability, procedures, and health and safety guidelines on the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) official website.
Let us look at what you can expect at your GMAT® test day at the test center.
The GMAC administers the exam in designated Pearson VUE testing centers found globally. You can identify a test center close to you on their official website Alternatively, if test centers in your area are closed due to COVID-19, you can take the GMAT online exam. All the candidates experience the same testing conditions no matter where they are.
You should read the GMAT exam testing rules to know the policies which will help you avoid violations that can result in score cancellation.
When checking into the exam center, you should take the following steps;
One of the exam centers’ checking-in procedures on the GMAT® test day includes providing your palm for scanning. The palm vein pattern identification uses biometric technology to prove identity. The GMAC uses palm vein identification to promote test integrity by ensuring that each candidate has a single GMAT score record. In addition, it prevents people from taking the exam on behalf of others, which ensures that the exam remains fair.
If you are taking the exam at a test center and fail to produce the appropriate ID, you forfeit the exam and must pay the full fee to reschedule.
Similarly, suppose you are taking the exam online. In that case, you must have uploaded an appropriate ID when registering and provided the same ID on exam day for verification by the online proctor. You should upload your ID at least 48 hours before your scheduled exam. If you fail to produce your ID for the proctor to verify, you forfeit your exam fee and must pay the full fee to reschedule. The GMAC does not make any exceptions.
The acceptable forms of identification include;
For your ID to be acceptable, it should meet the following criteria;
Forms of identification that are not acceptable include expired passports, student and staff IDs, credit cards, and photocopies of any form of ID.
You should read and understand the GMAT handbook that outlines the GMAC policies, procedures, and rules for your exam. According to the handbook, test administration starts when you walk into the test center (check-in) and ends at checkout after the test, including the scheduled breaks.
Some of the rules include;
Policy violations may result in canceled scores, banning from taking the test for up to three years, and sending notifications to business schools.
After the check-in procedures, you will start your exam. The testing room is quiet and without distractions, allowing candidates to perform well. You will take the exam from a computer that uses an algorithm to ensure consistency and fairness for all candidates.
You can take the GMAT exam in the designated Pearson VUE test centers on almost any day of the year. Additionally, the computer-based exam allows you to track your time, and questions left to answer and generates unofficial scores immediately after you finish the test.
Adequate preparation is essential to ensure that you are relaxed on the test day and perform well. Get the best study prep materials from and attain a high GMAT score to start your MBA journey.
The GMAT consists of different sections, including the verbal reasoning section, which tests... Read More
One of the key requirements, as you apply for MBA programs, is a... Read More