Technical Analysis (TA)
Since computers whirred into life in the early 1960s, the world has witnessed unprecedented innovation and transformation in almost every sphere of life. Tasks that humans could only perform just over 20 years ago have now been taken over by automated software. The financial industry, in particular, has undergone a significant transformation.
Traditional banking, insurance, and investment products have given way to innovative products that heavily rely on the internet and cloud-based solutions. For instance, opening a bank savings account or even applying for a loan from the comfort of your living room is now possible. Within the field of insurance, health insurers have been known to reward policyholders for their healthier lifestyles based on data gathered through wearables. Such innovations collectively make up what has been called “fintech.”
The word “fintech” is simply a combination of the words “financial” and “technology.” It refers to technological innovation in designing and delivering financial services and products. At its core, fintech has helped companies, business owners, and investment managers to manage their operations better thanks to specialized software and algorithms.
Initially, financial innovation was limited to simple tasks such as data processing and automation of routine tasks. Today, fintech encompasses more advanced systems that can analyze information and make decisions based on machine-learning logic. Machines have been developed to “learn” how to perform tasks over time. Using such systems has brought about high levels of efficiency that surpass human capabilities.
A characteristic of fintech is that:
A. it is at its most advanced state, using systems that follow specified rules and instructions.
B. it is limited to simple tasks such as automating routine processes and data processing.
C. increased availability of data and technological advancement has primarily driven it.
The correct answer is C.
The two most important reasons behind the torrential growth in fintech are:
- extremely rapid growth in data — including their types, quantity, and quality; and
- technological advancements that have made it possible to analyze and interpret data.