Business Cycle and Its Phases
A business or economic cycle is defined as the persistent fluctuation in the... Read More
The national debt is the total amount of money owed by the central government. It is important for a country to grow its economy and, at the same time, reduce its national debt. Many believe that government debt can cause great political instability. To some degree, this could be true because it may cause:
However, this is usually not the case. High national debt does not necessarily cause instability. In fact, on the contrary, it may even prevent deeper economic depression. Some economists argue that government borrowing and spending during a recession can help prevent a collapse in demand and growth.
In a recession, individuals tend to save more, and they can therefore buy government debt denominated in their own currency. This allows the government to borrow at low prices to finance public sector expenditures.
For a stable economy, the government needs a low and stable inflation rate and a sustainable economic debt.
During recessions, the private sector borrows less but saves more. A more critical situation occurs when both the private sector and government debt grow simultaneously, as this will eventually result in crowding out. Crowding out can lead to a substantial rise in interest rates, discouraging businesses from making capital investments.
A persistent lack of capital caused by consumption demand and speculative asset prices creates bubbles. The most likely outcome will be short-term economic growth and a long-term decline in growth, as seen from the housing bubble that took place before the 2007-2008 housing market collapse and subsequent recession.
Which one of the following is most likely a disadvantage of national debt?
A. National debt can cause inflation
B. National debt improves the standard of living
C. A country acquires additional funds for growth
The correct answer is A .
When the government borrows too much, it causes problems by raising interests rates and consequently inflation.
Options B and C are incorrect. TThey are potential advantages of national debt.